In other news...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Quote" I

"Is be or is be not, is be one big damn puzzler."

-Managua, One Big Damn Puzzler by John Harding.

Due to the mountain of SAM coursework, The Gustave will not be coordinating a global April Fool.

And by global, he means through the World Wide Web.

And by World Wide Web, he means through his blog.

Instead, here is a strip-tease of Gustave's personal collection of quotes worth quoting, from Mexican Waves to pork!

"Heavy Metal is 1% inspiration and 99% constipation."
-Gustave Oon, 5.45 p.m, 18-03-2008.

"Welcome to SAM hell."
-Angelina Kok.

"Oh my God! Bobby doesn't sniff my pussy."
-Claire, commenting on her pet.

"Kukujiao can fly one what! Jiao mah!"
-Claire, commenting on

"Eh, you imagine one day in Malaysia no pork! People will die leh! Especially CY!"
-Winson, 2:51 p.m, 21-3-2008.

"Give me liberty or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry, 23-3-1775.

"Give me liberty or give me RM9868 a day!"
-Gustave Oon, 25-3-2008.

"My friend got suspended for a few weeks. I think he started a Mexican Wave in class."

-Gustave Oon, 1-4-2008


Wayne. said...

Nice post. But here's a nicer one that contains your name inside it. Be happy. Go forth and multiply.

Wayne. said...

hey wanna be part of my blog project Basically, I'm starting a blog. Dunno what title and what's it about, but basically, I'll get a team of bloggers to write in it. Aiming for something like