In other news...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The day before Econs.

Holy sweet cow pies! Tomorow will be the first day in the journey to achieve a 99% average on SAM. 20 points. Get an 'A' or there goes your chances of a full-year scholarship in a Taylor's degree.

Oh, the graphs.

Oh, the demand and supply curves.

Oh, the price equilibrium.

I took Mrs. Soh's advice and bought myself a plastic ruler for the exam. Before that, my orange Stabilo pen served me well producing supple demand curves.

Just thought you should know that. It's important.

Aiman, Marvin, and all you bummers out there, get into college! T'is nerve-wreckingly hectic and fun in that way.

My vote for the SAM student council got nullified because of a server bug. G'ah! Jia Sheen didn't get nominated...even after she "persuaded" people to vote for her.

Anthony got the unbugged votes of a few L1 students.

ECA, club recruitment day was today. Well, I may have got carried away.

I joined 7 clubs.


I may be losing my marbles.

Drama, music, Leo, anime, chinese, swimming, and water polo.

Do let me know if you stumble across my marbles.

The drama club here is just like VILADS back in VI.
The booth was empty and had 2 registration forms on it with the President himself guarding it.
A whole page was filled up before half the day was over.


Ahhh...Brings back memories. Stupid KRS rempits, trying to steal VILADS' booth.

Mr.Choong the chinese art teacher may revive his Chinese Brush Painting Legion RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW...or maybe after Chinese New Year...RIGHT in Taylors. That's right. Prepare to witness the ultimate "Oops-I-forgot-her-birthday" gift generating power in all of KL, Penang, and some say JB. 20 minute masterpieces.

I sincerely, sincerely hope that a certain VI incident doesn't repeat itself.

I mean c'mon! Cheer, clap, and gasp in awe...but ZERO signups?!

Lee Jiuan noticed a certain Green Tea Report on the L1 discussion board. I hope she learns somethings from it.

Carmen manages to successfully reinforce my fear of police officers ringing on my doorbell, waiting to arrest me for skipping NS. I sent a letter...oh yes I DID.

...about a month past the deadline.

This be my self-reflection period.
I have an Econs test tomorrow that may very well crush my hopes of a scholarship.
The whole family is going to gather at my place tonight to "redistribute the wealth" in the spirit of Chinese New Year.
And, I am sitting here in the web at 5.20 satisfying the urge to inform the world of ever important life.

I may get hit by a bus, while running across the street trying to catch it, in order to avoid a 1 hour ride home cramming with big, smelly, sweaty people with no respect for elbow room.

If this happens to be my final post:

Carmen, thanks for being the first person to welcome me on the first day.

Ricky, good luck living life as an anime character.

Ashley, thanks for being honest.

Quek, you look very much like a very cute cocker spaniel in a very nice non-offensive way.

Syed, Aiman, Shanti, go for the final hurdle and secure Victoria's reign in the Forensics.

Jia Sheen, rock on, on your quest for power over people taller than you.


Ian, Arsenal will whoop Man U upside down inside out come February 13.


This has been good stuff.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Green Tea - The Green, The Brown, and The Unbrewed.

Controversial issues have surrounded Green Tea, officially known as Ocha by the Japanese, and the effects that it has on the human body. Generally considered good for health, green tea has a few secrets. Many have reported that their skins have turned to a shade of olive green after a comsumption of more than 6 cups of green tea per hour.

"It's NOT the shade of green I wanted!"

"People don't treat me the same, now that I'm green. It's not easy being green."

Other dangers of drinking green tea include insomnia, due to the caffiene content, excessive urination, and getting abducted by aliens mistaking you for their own kind.

Brewing green tea should not be taken lightly. Using the wrong procedures when brewing green tea have been known to cause bad-tasting tea, scorn from peers, and death.

A 17 year-old boy, a self-admitting green tea addict, who studies in Taylors, has reported that a green tea sapling has established its roots in his large intestine. The boy had reportedly only brewed the green tea leaves for 8 seconds, ignoring the 10-second minimum rule set by the International Green Tea Association (IGTA). The leaves survived the 8 seconds of 85 degree celcius water bath before being accidently ingested by the boy. The boy went through a painful procedure to uproot the plant from his rectum and has been reported to be recovering.

On a seperate matter, tension is rising between the IGTA and the small, relatively unknown nation of Narnia. Narnia has reportedly banned the import of green tea leaves and executed a nation wide genocide and extermination of green tea, moments after the Emperor of Narnia declared green to be his least favourite colour. Delegates from both parties are carrying out negiotiations to avoid World War III. Although unofficial, IGTA seems to have strong ties with Japan as leaders from both sides have often been seen drinking green tea together.

Green tea - a blessing from above, or the harbringer of World War III?

This is the good stuff.