In other news...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Malaysia truly Gaysia?

Good weather, unrivaled food, and a BlendTec blender full of linguistic and social culture.

Sounds pretty good, eh? What more could humanity hope for in the future?

Hmm. A non-homophobic government, perhaps?

Hands up if you noticed the masks. SURE there's H1N1 bacon flu around. Of course it's not because their afraid of...heh...catching gay. Extra points if you noticed how the anchor stuttered while uttering the word "homosexual". And a great big hug if you realized how they mentioned same sex couples dancing erotically as if it was something to be ashamed of.

I, for one, am ashamed of our government's stand on homosexuality.

Did anyone notice the phrase "These gay clubs will give birth to an unhealthy life style"? Sure the gay clubbers take ex. But so do others in dodgy nightclubs. Of course there were 28 men versus only 4 women on drugs, there were simply more male clubbers there.

Or maybe, homosexuals take drugs and converge at known locations to further escape an unfor-gay-ving world. Some are disowned by their families if discovered. But that's not really justification, is it? Oh wait, there were about 500 men there. So that makes...what? Less than 10%?

Even though the media did not blatantly explicitly say that homosexuals are druggies, the subtext is there. I took 2 units in semiotics. So, there.

The media positions viewers as a people who are against homosexuality and find it disgusting, vile, and immoral. That is our government's ideal view of Malaysians.

The government, who controls mainstream media, is desperate and relentless in ensuring at all costs, or at least ideally assuming, that we Malaysians are a country that condemns Human Rights violations, aparthied and preaches understanding and acceptance...except when it comes to gays.

Nevermind that our government uses the ISA as its political equivalent of an armour piercing heat seaking missle.

Forget the fact that Malaysia constitutionalises racism.

But to outlaw homosexuality? To make it illegal to have a relationship with one who you truly love based on a biological factor that is determined even BEFORE conception? To impose one's beliefs and value, religious or otherwise, onto others while hypocritically claiming to do otherwise.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is Malaysia.

Sorry, that is NOT Malaysia. That is the Malaysian government. Living among Malaysians for 18 years and then experiencing life here in Perth. I have to say that I know very few people who are against homosexuality, even though their religion says otherwise. In fact, I know 3.

...2 and a half really. One of them is a gay-basher in public only.

So anyway...*ahem*:

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the pinnacle of human irrationality, stupidity, and arrogance.

Judging someone based on their sexual preference, gender-wise, is irrational.
Claiming, on the behalf of a society that is generally accepting and understanding, that Malaysia is a society that condemns homosexuality is stupid.
Imposing one's stupid and irrational beliefs on others via legislation is arrogant.

Of course I can get into Sigmund Freud's theory on how the human libido is essentially bisexual, but even if that proves to be false, it still leaves us with stupid and arrogant. But then again, I guess being rationally stupid and arrogant is worse than being irrationally so.

I am not speaking on behalf of the Malaysian society, just my 18 years of experience and about the people I know. I am not being arrogant...well...maybe I am, but my blog is my little cyber theater.

That video above, instead of just sending me into an Alan Shore rant, has also made me glad that as homophobic as the Malaysian government is, at least we don't have an unshaven, nuclear loving, prime minister who refuses to even acknowledge the existence of homosexuals.

...we have a balding, sleep deprived, C-4 loving one. =P

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Damage report.

Damage report
2 Buttons (unable to recover)
2 Ear drums (functioning at 40% with ringing aftershock)
Multiple minor blisters
Made the unnecessary observation of a pale, naked, jiggly butt crack (Irreparable psychological damage)

Blew off group of 4 unworthy girls
Experienced Sambuka and Kahlua on the rocks
Danced it out with comrades Justin, Koh Ei, Mesha, and...girl from typography class =)
Experienced a "Janet class" birthday party
Had a good time
Realization that auditions must be attended and the haunting calls of the stage must be answered.
Made the unnecessary observation of a pale, naked, jiggly butt crack

Pretty damn cool

Friday, July 17, 2009

Transformers : Revenge of The KA-FARKING-BOOM!

Imagine being at one with your seat and triple cheeseburger.

Now imagine standing beneath a waterfall, holding a urine sample sized cup, trying to catch it all.

That was my Transformers experience.

First of all, to those who say "too much action", "bad script", "weak storyline"..."pacing". Kindly shake head along horizontal axis as if coming to realization.




(Pause for audience head shake)


Ok. Now, Transformers started out as a fucking cartoon. What were people expecting to see when they walked into the cinema?!


And the moment the half hour of advertisements were over and I saw the words:

"A Michael Bay Film"

...I knew exactly what to expect. =D

I was not disappointed... fact, very much blown away.

...RM60?! What are you driving? Optimus Prime ah?!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


"You've bitten off more than you can swallow this time."

"Oh I don't swallow. I just chew up and spit out."

Saturday, July 4, 2009

S-s-s-sohai face!

Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my sohai face,
looks like I forgot what my hand is.
Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my chinky face,
it's written in traditional Mandarin.

S-s-s-sohai face, s-s-sohai face.
C-c-c-chinky face, c-c-chinky face.

X to the O to the niggers in the hood.