In other news...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
(Team Fortress 2 + Green Tea) x (2 week break) = A happy Gustave
-Heavy Weapons Guy
2 weeks break. Call, call, call.
Need to go out and hang out and chill out and space out.
Aiman, time to come back to the real world.
Gustave feels woozy and confused now. Maybe a little Uber-charging and scout-rushing will clear his head.
And green tea.
And screaming into the mic during a game.
Mostly screaming into the mic during a game.
"I am the Puppa-Lupka. You are two ton Toonga-Lunga. I kill you a lot now."
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mission: Big Mac (Vote Now!)
The Gustave Oon has submitted his contest entry for the Big Mac Chant Challenge by Nuffnang.
Dear, fans/readers/lecturers/kind strangers/stalkers/friends, vote for Gustave!
Vote for Mission: Big Mac and ONLY Mission: Big Mac
His second semester of college fees may be on the line!
This is SAM, reporting in.
The Legal Ones will take on The Government Scholars in an exam worth 10 marks in the finals.
A row of lucky L1-ians will be within arms reach from J8. Be careful. Beware. And count your limbs and fingers before leaving the exam area.
L1 will be counting upon Math Wonder Jian Rong, and Law Aces Jia Sheen and Carmen to bring home the A20s.
This just in! It has been reported that Jia Sheen has gotten a JPA scholarship. It may be up to some other unspoken hero to take home a perfect score.
The Gustave has decided to be civil.
In other news, SAM Idol's elimination round is over as of friday. Only this time, Angel, Ashley, and Shin Yi showed up...too late, only to find Lecture Theater 3 crammed. Alas, no luck this time.
Meanwhile, Gustave takes frequent breaks from studying to check-up on the votes of Mission: Big Mac.
Holy smokes! This just in. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been reported by a source that Ms. Sydney flipped out on Teacher's Day, friday.
..."I have one class full of rich kids, and all they gave me for Teacher's Day is two jellies."
...She then reportedly gave the jellies away.
My, my. Which genius came up with the bright idea of giving her two cups of jelly, we may never know.
Brace yourselves, fellow Samomites. Midterms await.
Rock on. Rock hard.
This is SAM, reporting in.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
VIDRA 2008 State Grand Champions.
Isaac won best actor.
The Johnnies take home second plus best script.
Convent Sentul goes home third.
Elaboration will be provided shortly.
"Who are we?! Vee are Victorians! Vat ze fark are they?!"
Rock on. Rock hard.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mission: Big Mac
The epic duo will take on the online Big Mac Chant.
...after beating two bigger guys in foosball three times on the same afternoon.
This is an official call to all comrades of The Gustave.
Therefore, he will speak in first-person.
Hello...friends. Gus here. Really need your help bagging the 10k prize from McDonald's online chant challenge. If I win, I will buy everyone Tic-Tacs and Slurpees, at least. I'll post up the link very soon. So, please, please, ever-pleasingly please, check up frequently. Maybe every time after you pee. Or if you don't drink much water, every time you scratch an itch. Tell your friends and family to vote. If asking nicely doesn't work, try sharp stationery objects. Works most of the time for me.
Gustave hereby shouts out to Jill, Sue Anne, and Qirby...
...and a little whisper out to Sasha.
Sasha did not notice Gustave the other day at Noises Off.
...And a major cock-rocking RAWRout to VIDRA.
17 May 2008.
Syed and Isaac.
Rock on. Rock hard.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Week Was Farked And Stuff
Firstly, SAM has been sucking the life out of Gustave with questions like this and past year midterms. It should be noted that SAM is a Pre-U programme, not a person. The Gustave's class, L1, has been incredible and awesome at keeping itself out of any fun college activity, leaving Gustave to face a chorus of awkward silent stares when he announces events and prom committee news. There have even been reports of certain classes sending up to 7 participants to battle it out for personal spotlight time and RM 400.
L1 has a single student.
As a host.
Yay. Keep up the good work.
Wearing a red headband IS considered "wearing something red".
The Gustave's McDonald video has yet to commence. The result, of course, is a horde of fans standing outside Gustave's room looking upwards with their mouths open in sheer vanilla-beer anticipation.
In conclusion, Gustave simply has to make that video. Lives hang in the balance. The gaping-mouthed fans nearly drowned after a heavy downpour, ending a week of sunny, cancer-causing days.
The Gustave accidently came into contact with pariahnes while rushing down the stairs today. It should be noted that pariahnes cringed in fear and tried to squeeze past Gustave.
The hell freezing battle between L1 and J8 has been called to a temporary truce due to the fact that exams are looming overhead.
Like a flock of crows perched upon a tree branch, puckering up their buttholes in anticipation of taking a shit on the head of a lucky someone.
L1 scored her first 2 pointer a week ago.
L1 sincerely thanks Mrs. Loo for...paying special attention to the class.
Gustave, being a nice guy, left a free McDonald's burger box in the class of J8 after a tense stand-off between the two classes.
Mrs.Loo informed L1 of J8's annoyance caused by "The guy who was munching on the Big-Mac."
Score one for L1!
Score one for Big Mac.
Ultimately, SAM successfully lives up to its reputation of being "The worst of both worlds". SAMomites enjoy the privilege of carrying out the worst coursework ICPU has to offer, and the brain-draining tests of A-levels.
The possible effects of the Gustave's absence from blogging can be seen on the front page of The Star and on international news.
The Gustave has heeded the signs: The Earth-rocking consequences of not blogging.
On the brightside, the 13th of May was an epic day.
*Cue Mr.Brightside by The Killers*
1. Wee Kiat came back from the dead. Much to L1's delight, and Ms.Doh's horror.
2. Ricky spent 5 minutes attempting to painfully pluck a single pubic from his own crotch during accounting class.
3. Having successfully extracting the stubborn hair, Ricky proceeds to tastefully sprinkle it on the head of a sleeping Anthony.
4. It has been brought to the attention of Gustave, by Ricky, that the words "Ashley Quek" sounds like "Ass Crack" when uttered quickly. *
No offence to the Ashleys out there.
Or to the Queks.
Or to the Ashley Queks.
*It is not recommended that you try it at home or in the class of L1.
5. Ms. Sydney tells a joke and chuckles to herself, prompting the class to chuckle with her.
6. Quote Ms. Sydney, "Eh, why nobody laughing one?"
7. The class laughed.
8. Ha. Ha. Ha.
9. Presenting, the sexiest thing since Britney went bald, your SAM Idol hosts...
The Gustave and The Victoria!
10. SAM Idol audition could have been more entertaining with more pitch-deaf sods. A guy with guitar failed to get through, hence a confrontation with the judges after the auditions ensued.
11. Unfortunately for reality TV and TheNightWasDarkAndStuff, the guy with guitar did not flip out. No guitar were smashed on cranium.
This friday is Qirby's birthday.
Qirby as in spermatophobic, OCDing, Qirby.
Not Nintendo Qirby.
The Gustave, after successfully having a mental orgasm, will now proceed to having dinner and freshening up with a, hastily snagged from ECA, sample pack of charcoal facewash.
Victoria predicts that charcoal on face will hurt.
Gustave plans to prove her wrong.
Beware, he WILL scrub.
Argh! Scrub!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Penguin Rape.
Penguin rape is a very real, very scary, and possibly very arousing phenomenon coming to a cybercafe near you.
The following is based on a true story.

An Antarctic fur seal has been observed trying to have sex with a king penguin.
The bizarre event took place on a beach on Marion Island, a sub-Antarctic island that is home to both fur seals and king penguins.
Why the seal attempted to have sex with the penguin is unclear. But the scientists who photographed the event speculate that it was the behaviour of a frustrated, sexually inexperienced young male seal.
Equally, it might be been an aggressive, predatory act; or even a playful one that turned sexual.
"At first glimpse, we thought the seal was killing the penguin," says Nico de Bruyn, of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
The brazenness of the seal's behaviour left those who saw it in no doubt as to what was happening.
De Bruyn and a colleague were on Trypot beach at Marion Island to study elephant seals when they noticed a young, adult male Antarctic fur seal, in good condition, attempting to copulate with an adult king penguin of unknown sex.
The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it.
The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape - but to no avail.
The seal then alternated between resting on the penguin, and
thrusting its pelvis, trying to insert itself, unsuccessfully.
After 45 minutes the seal gave up, swam into the water and then completely ignored the bird it had just assaulted, the scientists report.
Why a fur seal would indulge in such extreme sexual behaviour is unclear.
Marion Island is the only place in the world where Antarctic fur seals are known to hunt king penguins on land, so the idea that the fur seal was trying to eat the object of its attention made sense.
"But then we realised that the seal's intentions were rather more amorous."
The researchers speculate that the male seal was too young to win access to female seals, and in a state of sexual excitement, looked elsewhere.
But the mating season was nearly over when the incident took place, leading the scientists to also wonder whether the seal's natural predatory aggression toward the bird became redirected into sexual arousal.
"It was most certainly a once-off and has never previously or since been recorded anywhere in the world to our knowledge," says de Bruyn.
By Matt Walker on BBC.
Animals took interracial love to the next level.
Yay. Interspecies love.
The Gustave wishes to apologise to his readers for the lack of intellectual stimulation and retardation. The Gustave is now offering free hugs* to anyone who posts in the chatbox for the time period of (1) week from the date of publication of this notice.
Thank you.
*Terms and conditions apply. The Gustave reserves the right to replace the mentioned item/service with physical groping of any other sort without prior notice.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Gigabyte: Flashing lights
Special sauce, lettuce,
Cheese, pickles, onions
On a sesame seed bun.
Do it in 4 seconds or less, and get a free Big Mac.
Of course, it's one try per coupon.
And one coupon per McValue meal.
In other news, the Mega Mac is here! 4 Beef Patties, bebeh!
Can't wait for the 8 pattied Monster Mac.
Meanwhile, check out the online Big Mac Chant. 10k in Ringgit Malaysia for the best McDonalds Chant done on video and posted on youtube.
In other news, Taylor's ICPU is staging a play entitled "Noises Off the show must go on!".
May 8,9,10,11.
Thu, Fri, 7pm.
Sat, Sun, 2pm.
ADP Purple Box, SS15.
Tickets are selling like overrated oral sex tapes of Marilyn Monroe.
Or Jimi Hendrix sex tapes.
Jill and Sasha's names were spotted on Sunday's list, right on top of Gustave's.
All the more reason to pick up some tickets NOW.
Visit Taylor's Subang Jaya campus.
In other news, Gustave won himself the first free Big Mac at 3.04pm at the PJ drive-tru McDonalds, and added a cool green band to his rubber wrist bling collection.