I will encounter products with green tea in them every now and then, and being the green tea freak that I am, will rate them of their worthiness of Green Tea.
6 Green Tea Leaves will be used to rank the product in terms of:
-Effectiveness of product
-Overall Green-Teaness
Products and shizzle (word to take the place of any noun) range from food to stationery to hygiene products.
This week's item up for Greening is:

Dentyne's Green Tea Mint Flavoured Chewing Gum.
I first came across this chewing gum in a 7-11 near Taylor's college Subang. Vic stopped me from buying it by dragging me out the door. Her strength to ...size ratio caught me off guard. I finally bought it a few days ago at Jusco.
Om! Nom. Nom. Nom.
First thing I noticed was the colour- a bit too dark and blue-ish, but it's still friggin green. Unlike certain "green" teas.
Popped it into my mouth and HOLY BERZONKERS!!1
They've found a way to solidify green tea into a chewable long-lasting form!
I noticed something strange after chewing it for about 10 minutes though. My mouth started to itch really badly.
"NO! I finally found green tea gum and I'm allergic to the damn thing!"
I'll never figure out why I didn't spit the gum out right then.
After a few more, I realised that I was subconciously trying to squeeze out every molecule of Green Tea goodness with my tongue after the flavour is reduced exponentially by 10 minutes of rigorous chewing.
Wasn't the gum's fault after all.'
RM1.10 for 10 pieces? Worth every outdated one sen.
I fell asleep while chewing this gum once.
Ok. Twice.
It lasted a good 6 hours before it started dissolving and waking me up.
That's some good gum.
And it apparantly helps whiten your teeth.
Smell-wise, I'm having a hard time removing the stuck gum from my nose hairs. I do NOT recommend snorting this product.
Effectiveness of product
Overall Green-Teaness
If you ever have to buy a pack of gum that whitens your teeth and greens up your day.
Go Dentyne.
Go Green Tea.
1 comment:
Try the shower gel next!
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