In other news...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Too tired to think. Film and TV assignments. Graphic designing editorials.

So here goes.

This is a shout out to Aiman, Vic, Hugo, Shanti, Syed, and Hans.

You guys are totally on the "Gustave's highly-unlikely-to-ever-come-into-existence-superhero-or-medieval-comic-heroes-main-cast".

Complete with trademark one-liners and sexy, shiny tights.


Except maybe Shanti.




Too late.

That image is totally not going away.

Especially if it's yellow and purple.

With red boots and a cape.


Vic was right. We need to set the world on fire.

Btw, Syed. Hugo suggested that the 3 of us walk on stage naked and do an Oscar-winning 10 minute inpromptu.

I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of Quentin Tarantino.

Shanti, sorry for the uh...

Yeah. Haha.

And Aiman, call me. Or msn at least.

Hans and Hugo, keep the Ultimate Secret safe.

"Kukurela are my friends."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stale beer.

We drink. We dance. We piss on people's shrubbery.

Yay. Haha. Dance the night away.
Whee. Jiang-Jiang! The scout update's a blaze!

Cold, dry wind and unforgiving sun, burn my skin.
Bring on the cancer and croak up my voice.

Oh my.

Oh my.

Oh my beautiful. Beautiful voice.

Projection. Attention. Erection.
Remember the days we had on stage?

Hardcore, non-stop, living for the moment.

For the spotlight.

For the tears, the roars, the laughs.

The standing ovations.

Alcohol has raped my throat. Oh absolut-ly.

Honey, honey, honey.

...Mmm, so yummy.
It's a monosaccharide's world.

June says Abba is gay.

Shame upon thee! If Abba is gay, then gay I shall be!

...and I guess that sorta explains the Fatimah episode.


I miss Iris.

Her six strings. And just when I learned how to play "Pussy-Meow-Meow" on her.

No shong. No shingalong. No, I can't stop loving you.

Thanks for the Blues,
the Blinks,
the Hallelujahs.

Joo noe hu joo ...ah.

Blue orchids.
Vanilla vodka.

An editorial layout for Quentin Tarantino perhaps?
Or Eric Clapton?
Tim Burton?

Sam Hui?

Guns, God, and Goons.

Bullets, Booze, and Bloodstains.

One more week, then it's off to the beach!

To the rink, to the clubs, to the guitar store, to The Killers!

Till then, settle down, buck up, and don't give in.

The encores will just have to wait.

"Kukurela are my friends."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I can has a DSLR.

Yay. Got the Canon 450 D with double IS lens.

Let the shooting begin!

(18-55mm lens)

Why so serious?

(Slightly out of focus, with flash, producing spooky eye effect.)

Whoa. Nice.

(A little under-exposed. The brightness, of course. Thx for posing, btw.)

The Gustave is here! Clad in T-shirt and pajamas!

(Over-exposed. Slow shutter speed captures 'motion-blur' or ghostly figures.)

Off we go! Till next time! Over and out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Malaysia Boleh!

Beep-beep. Beep-beep. Bee...

Scene: A cafeteria in Bentley- Perth, and a toilet in Sydney.

", how's your play doing? The actors ok?"

"Well...I'm taking a crap now, and the toilets are hollow and people can hear me. I don't wanna comment and offend you know la..."



"So...bagaimanakah play kamu? Pelakon-pelakon ada bagi masalah tak?"


"...HAHAHHAHAHAHHA! You got it, right? Pffftthahahahahahha!"

"AHAHAHAH! YEAH! AHAHAH....whoooo! This is truly Malaysia Boleh wei!"

I miss nasi lemak. =<