In other news...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

"Today is Good Friday, observed by Christians worldwide as a day that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whose death redeemed the sins of mankind."

"Today is Good Friday, observed worldwide by Jesus buffs as the day on which the popular, bearded cultural figure, sometimes referred to as The Messiah, was allegedly crucified and (according to legend) died for mankind's so-called sins. Today kicks off a 'holy' weekend that culminates on Easter Sunday, when, it is widely believed, this dead 'savior' (who also, by the way, claimed to be the son of a sky-dwelling, invisible being known as God) mysteriously 'rose from the dead.'

According to the legend, by volunteering to be killed and actually going through with it, Jesus saved every person who has ever lived (and every person who ever will live) from an eternity of suffering in a fiery region popularly known as hell, providing (so the story goes) that the person to be 'saved' firmly believes this rather fanciful tale."

In loving memory of George Carlin.
...He's down there, screaming up at us!

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