In other news...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bada-bing! Happy bday Aiman and Shanti!

For the first time in 6 months, Gustave Oon went for an audition. More specifically, a speed audition. Much like speed dating, really.

And I feel alive. Bada-bing, bada-boom.

For 2 and a half days.

Then classes start.

I am bound. Strapped. Shot at. Spat on.


Ah well...not like any of you know what I'm going on about.

All I can tell you is this: Shit be cruising and shit be flying.

Anyhoo, happy birthday to Aiman and Shanti. (Damnit I thought your bday was on the 24th again!) As celebration, all the way from Perth, I auditioned and dedicate it to both of you. You are both 2 of the biggest influences in drama and acting.

Thank you very, very much. Really. I would not be the actor I am today without you guys.

Wuv you. =3

X to the O.

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