Gustave was just casually ambling around nuffnang...for the sixth time today.
The Happy-O-meter is still in gold.
Oh look.
There's Gustave's badly lit photo.
305 visits this wee...
Holy shitake mushrooms!
Break out the india-ink and acid-free paper!
This is a earth-shaking, cock-rocking, historical day!
One small step for mankind, one huge-mo-fuh-ing step for Gustave!
You hear that, world?!
Gustave's blog is worth MONEY!
Cold hard, green, polyester, Ringgit Malaysia!
So this is how it feels like to be a professional blogger.
My pants are tight.
Oh yeah.
This must be how Kenny Sia feels.
I am RICH!
I can almost afford to buy ANYTHING or WHATEVER!
...only 80 sen more to go.

Oh wait.
I need RM 49.00 before I can cash out.
Oh well.
There's a RM 1.00 processing fee.
I see.
So, using my T1-83 Plus calculator (compulsory for all students of South Australian Metriculation), by applying Central Limit Theorem and utilising a scatterplot graph...
...then use the corresponding Z-score...
...taking into account the 95% confidence interval...
...estimate the probablity of the sample mean...
...while only considering the Real GDP minus inflation effects...
...doctrine of separation of power...Judicial Independence...
...base data on Maslow's Law of Hierarchy and George Carlin's Bullshit Algorithm...
...apply the green tea effect on ants...
...round up the figure...
...and that means my earnings will be about...
In other news...
Gustave has decided to settle for Nothing ™ while he waits for the day he can afford to buy Anything™ or Whatever ™ his genetically-disadvantaged heart desires.
Remember your first NuffNang Ringgit? =)
Onward. Starbound!
Break out the india-ink and acid-free paper!
This is a earth-shaking, cock-rocking, historical day!
One small step for mankind, one huge-mo-fuh-ing step for Gustave!
You hear that, world?!
Gustave's blog is worth MONEY!
Cold hard, green, polyester, Ringgit Malaysia!
So this is how it feels like to be a professional blogger.
My pants are tight.
Oh yeah.
This must be how Kenny Sia feels.
I am RICH!
I can almost afford to buy ANYTHING or WHATEVER!
...only 80 sen more to go.

Oh wait.
I need RM 49.00 before I can cash out.
Oh well.
There's a RM 1.00 processing fee.
I see.
So, using my T1-83 Plus calculator (compulsory for all students of South Australian Metriculation), by applying Central Limit Theorem and utilising a scatterplot graph...
...then use the corresponding Z-score...
...taking into account the 95% confidence interval...
...estimate the probablity of the sample mean...
...while only considering the Real GDP minus inflation effects...
...doctrine of separation of power...Judicial Independence...
...base data on Maslow's Law of Hierarchy and George Carlin's Bullshit Algorithm...
...apply the green tea effect on ants...
...round up the figure...
...and that means my earnings will be about...
In other news...
Gustave has decided to settle for Nothing ™ while he waits for the day he can afford to buy Anything™ or Whatever ™ his genetically-disadvantaged heart desires.
Remember your first NuffNang Ringgit? =)
Onward. Starbound!
Yeah, I remember, it was like 5 months ago.
I remember mine. Last year. Only RM16 to go now before the cash out!
Haha.. i just got my first RM1.25..
I just subscribed. Have to wait longer than you I guess.
In fact, my blog has got not much traffic yet. Will wait and see.
HAhaha. Calm down.
I have like to earn RM40++ more to cash out too.
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