Coca-cola, rum, and vodka. Thanks and happy birthday, kah yang.
It was my first time clubbing and last time with my rag-tag class of L1.
As I am not functioning at maximum mental capacity, I will take this opportunity to be honest. I have an excuse. Heh.
So here it is: Gustave's SAM experience 2008.
I came in L1 2 weeks late. Did over-zealously well in the start. Slacked about a month into the programme.
HAHAHAHA!!! I was actually aiming for Taylor's 99.95 TER scholarship.
(Pause for laughter)
Whoa...Sydney... O_O.
Ms.Doh totally reminds me of my math teacher in Sri Sentosa...Ms. Ho.
*sniff* Ms. Ho dieded in 2005. :(
I did not fit in L1 at all at the start of the year. Being loud, hyper, and a nuclear powered boombox, I naturally generated stares and awkward silences around the class.
Heh. I was tolerated. :)
And then there was the whole Jia Sheen episode of Valentine's Day...XD ...Jia Sheen if you are reading this, just know that I truly admire you for your beauty, brains, and heart.
...Plus you kinda sorta somehow maybe i dunno...remind me of Missy her.
This put me in an awkward position, never really fitting in any particular group in L1.
...but ZOMG Wai Hung, Jian Rong, Jason, Kah Ynag and CY play DotA!!
First I hung out with Ian a lot.
Then I kinda got bored and got a leeeeeeetle bit XP tired of the word "intense".
(Remember, I read CY's blog before this...and I'm high, so I'm doing a CY and telling it as it is. wheeeeee.)
I met Vic and Kim. Got along better with the sunshine emitting Kim.
Got along with Vic coz we were the only 2 laughing like maniacs over The Bumper Book of Bunny Suicides.
Angel and Shin Yi were like: "WTF?! You PAID for that book?!"
Then the glorious 2008 SEA Forensics gave me reason to live on while I skipped two days of college...much to Ian and Carmen's disappointment coz of a Econs project. XD I'm sorry...
Then Vic, Mandeep and Cath and...pfft...anthony and I did the whole drama thing for weeks.
Only to have it cancelled. Fark.
Was close to Cath before, not so much after. Ah well.
Then came the Anthony/Ricky period. It was fun.
Fun being inhaling second-hand smoke and drinking shiiiit-cha (iced chinese tea) at AC every recess. Muahahaha! Green Tea protects me from cancer!
Then Lianne joined Taylor's, and I met Sarah and Qirby through her.
I seriously thought....OOOH. It's raining now. :D
...that Qirby was a bimbo. Heh. Sorry Qirbs! XD
But I got to know her better and turns out she's, not in that way.
But I was neglecting Vic and Kim. Sowwwwwryyy.
Then at the start of the second term, I stuck with Vic and Kim.
Mostly Vic.
This lead to people going "WHooooooooooo!!" or " you and vic like..."
hI admit. I was reluctant to hang out with CY, Wai Hung, and Wai Ping AKA first. I wanted a break from the Chinesy-ish-shy way of LAIF!
But hey.
Born chinese, live chinese, die chinese. XD
I luv you guys.
...CY...not so much. CY sweats a lot.
So anyhoo, Vic and I hosted SAM Idol...and we were immortalised as the smiling ding-dongs we are and love to be.
Met Mei Ling, Caryn,
OOH! Jia Sheen got her JPA scholarship thingy. That means she has 1 1/2 years to finish off 1 quarter of the syllabus. ZOMG JIA SHEEN IMBA FTW!!1
So anyhooooooo... Vic and I started hanging and eating Roti-milo and sperm at AC.
*Sperm being the shaven-ice dessert with tadpole-shaped jelly bits.
Met Sam, Chia Chern AKA Bouncer, Clarissa, Jack Jack (MONDAY IS MARKET DAY!!!), and Smriti (SEA Forensics is the 3 days I plan my year around) around then.
Lol. Good times.
Then I did some actual studying for 2 months.
Kandes and I successfully defended an *innocent* man from the charge of rape.
They found his semen inside her.
They found vaginal bruising.
They found scratches.
They had a neighbour who heard screaming.
The victim says he did it.
...we the jury, have reached a majority...
YES! Majority...we win!
...decision of not guilty.
:) I are asshole.
Anyhoo, the 2 days of moot court was honestly the best 2 days, the climax, the holy-cum-all pinnacle of SAM.
I waited for it.
Then finals. But not before everyone started teasing me for the line I used...
..."So, is it true that you gave her flowers on her birthday AND on Valentine's Day?"
"So you were just being friendly?"
"Yeah, I'd give a girl flowers on Valentine's Day because I'm being "friendly" too."
The case was won but the price was heavy.
Ms. Melbourne Loo is a fictional character who may or may not have been inspired by a possible Taylor's lecturer.
Tig ol' Bitties!
Anyhoo. I got closer to CY, Wai kukumalu who loves Boston Legal too... and Wai Hung... who'd make Aiman jealous.
Met Mel, who fucking blows my mind and ears with her violin. :)
I put her under my contacts as "Mel Violin". Many Mels, you see.
Finals came.
All over me like condensed milk.
Heard Jia Sheen was not going but then WHOA! Jumping carrot cakes! She shows up.
I'm not complaining.
Lemme tell you something bout prom.
Proms reveal the unpolished gems. The hidden bombshells.
I took a look at Tze Nee...oh there's Tze Nee...wait...who's that hawt chick next to her...wait...NO WAY. way...
...Ai Lin?!
Except that my non-sepet eyes go much bigger.
Ms. Sydney looked pretty much the same tho.
Ms. Doh wore freaking heels!
I swear if my eyes got any bigger I could star in my own Disney cartoon.
Disney Asia, anyway.
I was chosen to co-host prom with Sam, from Sam, by Sam.
I gave up emcee post.
One awesome word:
...I'm not sure if I can keep the promise of seeing you in court one day.
To the rest of you SAMsters,
Rock on, rock hard.
Do NOT think of genitals.
I'm glad that I had the pleasure of crossing paths with you guys in SAM. I'll treasure the memories and unique experiences I had with each of you.
But on the brightside, I got to spend so much more time with my...eventually grown to be loved L1.
Awww... =)
I'm gonna miss you guys.
I think I kinda sorta maybe finally fit in L1 somewhere in the middle of SAM.
OH! And then L1 lead the whole SAM onto the dance floor.
AND ash quek and shin yi started a train.
L1 FTW!!1
OOOH! And they played the song Tom Cruise danced to in Tropic Thunder. I jumped up on stage alone at one point and, although generated some cheers, demonstrated first-hand the long-term effects of drinking Green Tea twice daily for a year.
Ok...that's not the song...the song the first time he dances, but that's essentially what I tried to do. =)
Oh, and Mr.Kevin stripped to his shorts and danced to "Dancing King".
That was with Ms. Rajani during the lecturer's performance.
Mr. Kevin freaking his
Wai Hung: "Ms. Doh! Prom queen nominations why you din go up on stage?"
The guys tried to screw me by over-dosing my food and drink with soy-sauce and chili.
Funny, huh? Wai Hung, Ah Yi?
Eat my pubes.
Then I had my first clubbing experience with Rhey Kee, Wai Hung, Kukumalu, Jian Rong, Kah Yang, Jason, Ash Quek, Shin Yi (who btw looked beautiful, she had the best dress. Honest.), Jia Sheen, and some others who I was too crazed to notice.
After the boozing, highly-unorthodox dancing, and my failed attempt to hug Jia Sheen. XD Heh. Sorry bout that.
My trance like experience was cut-short by Jonathan calling and saying we gotta ciao at 12.30.
My lips grow their own lips which have multiple layers of sagging skin.
SAM 2008 felt short sweet, and intense.
The ups and downs came and went quickly but hard.
Thinking back. I honestly would have it no other way. I am glad to have fought through and survived SAM with the cool-assorted-jellybeans pack of L1.
Although it's a shame the mudderfuggers who made the prom video did not include L1's video.
...I will hunt you down. And make you watch High School Musical 3 until you beg for the sweet release of death. By sweaty basketballs jerseys and papercuts.
Wai Hung, I hope you succeed in improving your english by leaps and bounds and whips and hounds in the one year before you head off to law school.
Awww... =)
I'm gonna miss you guys.
I think I kinda sorta maybe finally fit in L1 somewhere in the middle of SAM.
OH! And then L1 lead the whole SAM onto the dance floor.
AND ash quek and shin yi started a train.
L1 FTW!!1
OOOH! And they played the song Tom Cruise danced to in Tropic Thunder. I jumped up on stage alone at one point and, although generated some cheers, demonstrated first-hand the long-term effects of drinking Green Tea twice daily for a year.
Ok...that's not the song...the song the first time he dances, but that's essentially what I tried to do. =)
Oh, and Mr.Kevin stripped to his shorts and danced to "Dancing King".
That was with Ms. Rajani during the lecturer's performance.
Mr. Kevin freaking his
Wai Hung: "Ms. Doh! Prom queen nominations why you din go up on stage?"
The guys tried to screw me by over-dosing my food and drink with soy-sauce and chili.
Funny, huh? Wai Hung, Ah Yi?
Eat my pubes.
Then I had my first clubbing experience with Rhey Kee, Wai Hung, Kukumalu, Jian Rong, Kah Yang, Jason, Ash Quek, Shin Yi (who btw looked beautiful, she had the best dress. Honest.), Jia Sheen, and some others who I was too crazed to notice.
After the boozing, highly-unorthodox dancing, and my failed attempt to hug Jia Sheen. XD Heh. Sorry bout that.
My trance like experience was cut-short by Jonathan calling and saying we gotta ciao at 12.30.
My lips grow their own lips which have multiple layers of sagging skin.
SAM 2008 felt short sweet, and intense.
The ups and downs came and went quickly but hard.
Thinking back. I honestly would have it no other way. I am glad to have fought through and survived SAM with the cool-assorted-jellybeans pack of L1.
Although it's a shame the mudderfuggers who made the prom video did not include L1's video.
...I will hunt you down. And make you watch High School Musical 3 until you beg for the sweet release of death. By sweaty basketballs jerseys and papercuts.
Wai Hung, I hope you succeed in improving your english by leaps and bounds and whips and hounds in the one year before you head off to law school.
...I'm not sure if I can keep the promise of seeing you in court one day.
To the rest of you SAMsters,
Rock on, rock hard.
Do NOT think of genitals.
I'm glad that I had the pleasure of crossing paths with you guys in SAM. I'll treasure the memories and unique experiences I had with each of you.
I am sober.