In other news...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Evil Goldfish Eyes staring into my room!

Ever wonder what happens when the fabric of the universe collapses into an individual's mind as he goes on a Ren and Stimpy marathon while an aspiring, narcissistic English man, with formal shoes that are rosak, continually ask him for permission to be Bobbert?


Evil Goldfish Eyes
(...staring into your bedroom.)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
the Ace of Academic Writing,

the Sultan of Surrealism,

(-fade lights-)

presenting, for one lifetime only...

Hugo Yap.

(-cue spotlight-)

(-insert applause-)

Check out his blog, lest the legion of Monkeys possess your every spasming tissue of your existence.

...including your hair.

(-fade applause-)

...the ones on your legs.
(coz they hurt like hell when pulled.)

(-oops, fade lights-)


Hugo Yap said...

I'm going down to Rose Marie's
She never does me harm
She puts it to me straight as day
And gives it to me for a song

It's a wicked life, but what the hell
Don't everybody gotta eat?
And I'm just the same as anyone else
When it comes to scratching for my meat

I'm going to acapulco
Going on the run
Going down to see some girl
Gonna have some fun

It's not a bad way to make a living
And I ain't complaining none
For I could blow my plum
And drink my rum
Then go on down to have some fun

The Gustave said...

Ching chong, chinaman went to milk a cow.
Ching chong, chinaman don't know how.
Ching chong, chinaman pulled the wrong tit.
Ching chong, chinaman covered in shit.