In other news...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Damage report.

Damage report
2 Buttons (unable to recover)
2 Ear drums (functioning at 40% with ringing aftershock)
Multiple minor blisters
Made the unnecessary observation of a pale, naked, jiggly butt crack (Irreparable psychological damage)

Blew off group of 4 unworthy girls
Experienced Sambuka and Kahlua on the rocks
Danced it out with comrades Justin, Koh Ei, Mesha, and...girl from typography class =)
Experienced a "Janet class" birthday party
Had a good time
Realization that auditions must be attended and the haunting calls of the stage must be answered.
Made the unnecessary observation of a pale, naked, jiggly butt crack

Pretty damn cool

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