In other news...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Transformers : Revenge of The KA-FARKING-BOOM!

Imagine being at one with your seat and triple cheeseburger.

Now imagine standing beneath a waterfall, holding a urine sample sized cup, trying to catch it all.

That was my Transformers experience.

First of all, to those who say "too much action", "bad script", "weak storyline"..."pacing". Kindly shake head along horizontal axis as if coming to realization.




(Pause for audience head shake)


Ok. Now, Transformers started out as a fucking cartoon. What were people expecting to see when they walked into the cinema?!


And the moment the half hour of advertisements were over and I saw the words:

"A Michael Bay Film"

...I knew exactly what to expect. =D

I was not disappointed... fact, very much blown away.

...RM60?! What are you driving? Optimus Prime ah?!

1 comment:

Hugo Yapppzzz said...

The middle portion of my cock loves you