In other news...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Singing; A balance of confidence?

Over-confident, you do not harness and ride the natural way your voice is supposed to sing, you try to use your voice to mold you into something else. Something not meant to be. You sound wannabe. You cannot hit that extra key. So don’t.

Under-confident, you annoy the audience by only giving a fraction of what is possible. Of withholding the euphoria that they know you can provide. They will not let your disappointment go unpunished. It is comparable to teasing.

Good singers are attractive because, somehow or rather, they have the right balance of confidence. This radiates outwards and subconsciously attracts people.

Then again, why can some bitches sing well, and some angels sound bad? Maybe it is a superficial body function thing after all. Or maybe, the level of self-confidence you have does not really affect your personality all that much.

Who you are.

Who are you?

(So warm up, tune in, and let the church bells ring!)

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