Nah. Have some fun with this little teaser.
I promise, as soon as I have time to please myself in private I shall post my forensics post.
2 beautiful notebooks from Nightingale have found their way into my arms. :)
Till then.
Shooting for the stars!
Onward. Starbound.
In other news...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Forensics Fever : Day -1
Two more days left to the event of the year.
Gustave has gotten his OI done.
Gustave has also miraculously got his duet lines down in 3 hours.
Gustave will keep this short because he is working on his solo script.
Before the accounts exam today, I couldn't help but overhear a friendly conversation between Ming and Carmen.
The friendly conversation ended with the following:
Carmen: "Good luck for accounts"
Ming: "I don't need luck, I have Brand's chicken essence."
Gustave has also realized that he has the power to wake up with a different hairstyle everyday.
Gustave has gotten his OI done.
Gustave has also miraculously got his duet lines down in 3 hours.
Gustave will keep this short because he is working on his solo script.
Before the accounts exam today, I couldn't help but overhear a friendly conversation between Ming and Carmen.
The friendly conversation ended with the following:
Carmen: "Good luck for accounts"
Ming: "I don't need luck, I have Brand's chicken essence."
Gustave has also realized that he has the power to wake up with a different hairstyle everyday.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Got back at 7.
Dosed off in bedroom till 8.
Got woken up by bro.
Proceeded to dose off in living room till 9.
Had dinner and a shot of Brand's chicken essence.
Read article found by bro about a 20 year-old man dying while playing DotA.
That's right. He got owned. Dead. Collapsed. Zip. Zilch.
Here's the article in all its glory...
"Home > Latest News > Singapore
Feb 14, 2008
Man found dead at his home computer terminal
By Carolyn Quek
A 20-YEAR-OLD unemployed man was found dead slumped over his computer at home on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr Ong Yi Biao was alone at home that day, and had logged onto his computer at about 11am to play the game, Defence of the Ancients.
When his 14-year-old sister returned to their Geylang Bahru rental flat at about 4pm, she found him slumped in his chair.
On Tuesday night, Mr Ong had fainted in front of the same computer, said his grieving mother. She said she was teaching him how to play mahjong on the Internet when he passed out for about a minute. She did not say if medical attention was sought then.
Mr Ong's sister on Thursday told reporters at the mortuary that her brother had been playing computer game with eight other players.
While the game would usually take about an hour to complete, Mr Ong had only played for about 12 minutes, she said.
Mr Ong's 50-year-old mother said that he was her eldest son and she had bought him the game after he completed his national service last September.
He was not an avid gamer, his family said, and would not spend more than two hours at a stretch on the computer.
He had a medical history of asthma but his condition had been stable and he was not on any medication for it.
His family added that Mr Ong, who dropped out of school at Secondary Three, had planned to to take up a computer course at a private school."
Of course, knowing DotA players, comments were made:
"Wah! Play DotA get first blood too chi kek liao!"
"Hah! Must have been a leaver!"
The shooting for episode 1 of Just A Game is over! Yes! Now I can go home before the sky turns dark everyday.
Btw, talk about the monday blues. Carmen threatened to punch me when I asked her what time the accounts test tomorow is.
On the brightside, Claire is an avid DotA player.
However, Accounts test and Legal essay will be on tuesday and wednesday...
...and thankfully not on thursday or friday, because that's when FORENSICS IS!
That'll be it for today. My books call, my scripts yearn.
I will leave you with this one thought:
Is be or is be not, is be one big damn puzzler.
Dosed off in bedroom till 8.
Got woken up by bro.
Proceeded to dose off in living room till 9.
Had dinner and a shot of Brand's chicken essence.
Read article found by bro about a 20 year-old man dying while playing DotA.
That's right. He got owned. Dead. Collapsed. Zip. Zilch.
Here's the article in all its glory...
"Home > Latest News > Singapore
Feb 14, 2008
Man found dead at his home computer terminal
By Carolyn Quek
A 20-YEAR-OLD unemployed man was found dead slumped over his computer at home on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr Ong Yi Biao was alone at home that day, and had logged onto his computer at about 11am to play the game, Defence of the Ancients.
When his 14-year-old sister returned to their Geylang Bahru rental flat at about 4pm, she found him slumped in his chair.
On Tuesday night, Mr Ong had fainted in front of the same computer, said his grieving mother. She said she was teaching him how to play mahjong on the Internet when he passed out for about a minute. She did not say if medical attention was sought then.
Mr Ong's sister on Thursday told reporters at the mortuary that her brother had been playing computer game with eight other players.
While the game would usually take about an hour to complete, Mr Ong had only played for about 12 minutes, she said.
Mr Ong's 50-year-old mother said that he was her eldest son and she had bought him the game after he completed his national service last September.
He was not an avid gamer, his family said, and would not spend more than two hours at a stretch on the computer.
He had a medical history of asthma but his condition had been stable and he was not on any medication for it.
His family added that Mr Ong, who dropped out of school at Secondary Three, had planned to to take up a computer course at a private school."
Of course, knowing DotA players, comments were made:
"Wah! Play DotA get first blood too chi kek liao!"
"Hah! Must have been a leaver!"
The shooting for episode 1 of Just A Game is over! Yes! Now I can go home before the sky turns dark everyday.
Btw, talk about the monday blues. Carmen threatened to punch me when I asked her what time the accounts test tomorow is.
On the brightside, Claire is an avid DotA player.
However, Accounts test and Legal essay will be on tuesday and wednesday...
...and thankfully not on thursday or friday, because that's when FORENSICS IS!
That'll be it for today. My books call, my scripts yearn.
I will leave you with this one thought:
Is be or is be not, is be one big damn puzzler.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Forensics Fever : Day 1
Woke up late and got to school at 12p.m.
Managed to fixed my stupid A4tech earphones with a pair of pliers and a solderer. The solderer was hot. Ouch.
On the way to school, I enjoyed Heaven by Bryan Adams. Again, and again, the chorus is addictive. Finally, since I was 12.
I've gotten my rightful claim to One Big Damn Puzzler as my Oratory Interpretation piece. Argh. Shanti kept on going on and on and on and bleh...about how its "Syed's piece" and that I should work harder in looking for another piece.
I'm not mad at you, Syed. :)
I just couldn't seem to get the point across with conversation. Finally, after Syed tried the piece out, I picked it up, nodded at Syed, started my stopwatch, and did the piece...only to be stopped by Shanti after 8 seconds.
It must've been the fact that my facial features contorted and made it look like I was going to go berzerk that made Shanti stop her lecture.
I started again.
I finished.
"This is SO your piece la. You do it."
"No shit?! It's my piece?!"
Now that THAT little thing is taken care of, I can proceed to edit my OI and SOLO scripts. Syed and I finalized our duet script. We need to get our lines down or die the most horrible actor's death; forgetting lines during the act.
I am a pyromaniac. During my breaks from training I BBQ-ed some ants and aphids which were feeding on some plants with my lighter. Shanti screamed at me some more. So, I did the one thing any Victorian would do.
I started burning things beyond her field of vision.
Met Ben and Jon as well. The rumours were true. Ben has dyed his hair brown.
Only the tips, not ah beng style.
Jon hasn't changed much. He still insists that speakers are THAT much greater than actors in Forensics. That reminded me of the time he said to moi..."My single bronze medal in Extempt is worth more than your duet medal in duet acting. Hahaha." At the time, since Jon was president of VILADS, I refrained from saying, "Um...bronze or silver better ah?" and waving my silver solo medal in his face.
Well, Jon found out today. :P I guess this makes us even after the time he burned my school pants with a lighter.
I belanja-ed him chicken rice...after he tried to make Syed buy him 'siew yok'...pork.
So far, dominating Forensics this year seems to be really difficult for VI to pull off for the third year in a row. We have unprepared duet teams, solo actors with unedited scripts ( XP), Oral Interpretators without pieces, fresh debaters and orators, and this crazy actor who doesn't know when to call it quits and end his Forensics experience in a blaze that was 2007.
Come to think of it, 2007 was screwed up. We had some ding-dongs for judges in the finals of acting events, and bigger ding-dongs who did not deserve to be in finals.
Oops. Wow. The private thought above seemed to have sub-conciously found its way onto my keyboard via my fingers. :D
Found a random nice song while Hans was visiting a random friend's blog. Teardrops on my guitar. Downloaded it. It is a beautiful piece of music. Speaking from my experience as a guitarist. :)
Went for dinner at uncle's place.
After stuffing my mouth with 10 pieces of sushi, not all at once, mind you, there was the yearly fireworks display. 2 large fireworks racks are lit and the friends and family of Oon amazed. Somehow, watching those fireworks launch and explode reminded me of the good old days of battlefield vietnam where near-deaths experiences come in the form of RPGs zooming by your ears.
As usual, I'm sitting here in front of my computer with Iris. Strumming out songs that I hope to one day be able to tune.
The next week will be the biggest week of the year.
Btw, Arsenal will be playing ManU at 1 a.m.
Sorry, did I 'playing'? I meant owning. :P
Managed to fixed my stupid A4tech earphones with a pair of pliers and a solderer. The solderer was hot. Ouch.
On the way to school, I enjoyed Heaven by Bryan Adams. Again, and again, the chorus is addictive. Finally, since I was 12.
I've gotten my rightful claim to One Big Damn Puzzler as my Oratory Interpretation piece. Argh. Shanti kept on going on and on and on and bleh...about how its "Syed's piece" and that I should work harder in looking for another piece.
I'm not mad at you, Syed. :)
I just couldn't seem to get the point across with conversation. Finally, after Syed tried the piece out, I picked it up, nodded at Syed, started my stopwatch, and did the piece...only to be stopped by Shanti after 8 seconds.
It must've been the fact that my facial features contorted and made it look like I was going to go berzerk that made Shanti stop her lecture.
I started again.
I finished.
"This is SO your piece la. You do it."
"No shit?! It's my piece?!"
Now that THAT little thing is taken care of, I can proceed to edit my OI and SOLO scripts. Syed and I finalized our duet script. We need to get our lines down or die the most horrible actor's death; forgetting lines during the act.
I am a pyromaniac. During my breaks from training I BBQ-ed some ants and aphids which were feeding on some plants with my lighter. Shanti screamed at me some more. So, I did the one thing any Victorian would do.
I started burning things beyond her field of vision.
Met Ben and Jon as well. The rumours were true. Ben has dyed his hair brown.
Only the tips, not ah beng style.
Jon hasn't changed much. He still insists that speakers are THAT much greater than actors in Forensics. That reminded me of the time he said to moi..."My single bronze medal in Extempt is worth more than your duet medal in duet acting. Hahaha." At the time, since Jon was president of VILADS, I refrained from saying, "Um...bronze or silver better ah?" and waving my silver solo medal in his face.
Well, Jon found out today. :P I guess this makes us even after the time he burned my school pants with a lighter.
I belanja-ed him chicken rice...after he tried to make Syed buy him 'siew yok'...pork.
So far, dominating Forensics this year seems to be really difficult for VI to pull off for the third year in a row. We have unprepared duet teams, solo actors with unedited scripts ( XP), Oral Interpretators without pieces, fresh debaters and orators, and this crazy actor who doesn't know when to call it quits and end his Forensics experience in a blaze that was 2007.
Come to think of it, 2007 was screwed up. We had some ding-dongs for judges in the finals of acting events, and bigger ding-dongs who did not deserve to be in finals.
Oops. Wow. The private thought above seemed to have sub-conciously found its way onto my keyboard via my fingers. :D
Found a random nice song while Hans was visiting a random friend's blog. Teardrops on my guitar. Downloaded it. It is a beautiful piece of music. Speaking from my experience as a guitarist. :)
Went for dinner at uncle's place.
After stuffing my mouth with 10 pieces of sushi, not all at once, mind you, there was the yearly fireworks display. 2 large fireworks racks are lit and the friends and family of Oon amazed. Somehow, watching those fireworks launch and explode reminded me of the good old days of battlefield vietnam where near-deaths experiences come in the form of RPGs zooming by your ears.
As usual, I'm sitting here in front of my computer with Iris. Strumming out songs that I hope to one day be able to tune.
The next week will be the biggest week of the year.
Btw, Arsenal will be playing ManU at 1 a.m.
Sorry, did I 'playing'? I meant owning. :P
Friday, February 15, 2008
Forensics Fever!
It is official. As of 9.30 this morning, Gustave Oon King Chuan has come down with Forensics Fever.
And so it begins.
And so it begins.
The week of Valentine.
I've had a total of 19 hours of sleep in the past 4 days. I'm feeling really down now. Tough week. Had a little fight with Shanti as well.
I've taken the trouble of adding a chatbox to see if internet traffic actually flows through this blog.
First off, I missed my target in econ. So far, it's supposed to be my strongest subject. 42/50 fell short of 45/50. That won't be good for my 99% scholarship score.
Then, I slaved through the night, till 3, to finish my account assignment by the deadline. Had it printed out and binded, then went to the loo at the start of accounts class. At the end of class, BOINK, I realized that my assignment was still in my file. I handed it up to Ms.Sydney, relieved. Ms.Sydney went berzerk. She marked it late and declared my marks 0. Zero. Nada. Zilch. That will definitely do wonders for the 99%.
Picked up the gerberas for Valentine's day tomorow.
Stayed up till 2 studying maths for the test the next day. Got a ride from Jonathan with the still alive gerberas sitting next to me. Ooh, realized that I was the only one who brought flowers on Valentine's day. Carmen threatened to tell the whole class unless I reveal the identity of the lucky girl (or guy). Sat for the wonderful maths exam. Messed up the test pretty badly. Left the last page blank. On the bright side, I gave Jia Sheen the flowers and wished a her happy Valentine's day.
On the dark side, things are a little more awkward now.
3 days of shooting in TV Pendidikan this week. Got home at 8, piss tired.
Come friday. Come 7 hours of sleep. Come maths results.
That's 33%.
That means my hopes for a 99% is crushed, snubbed, snipped off at the bud, roasted and the ashes scattered.
Next goal, 95%.
Until Ms.Doh told us all not to study for scholarships, but for wisdom and for the fun of it. Class appeared enlightened.
Now, I can go insane from trying to reach my scholarship target anyway, ignoring the hopeful Ms.Doh.
Or, I could study hard but ignore the pressure for a scholarship, and try to have fun on the way.
Had a little chat with 2 friends. Apparantly, I am a walking freak machine. I scare people with my intensity. Nice way to cap off the friday.
Alright, I guess I am gonna make decisions, about who I am and what matters.
No more thoughts bout scholarships, study hard.
"Tone down intensity" as Shanti and few more friends said in exact words.
Oh boy, Marvin's gonna poke fun at me being emo. This will be my first sulky post.
Forensics is crazy longshot now. 4 days to practice for 3 acting events. That's less than the 3 days I spent doing duet with surrej. It was. Bad.
Green tea gives me a little escape but fails to do the trick anymore.
On the bright side, I bought nice little lighters with LED lights, and I've finally found a song I've heard since I was 12 but never found out its name, "Heaven" by Bryan Adams.
It's hard to be optimistic now, my 99% dream is gone, my Forensics fantasy is flying off, and I feel like crap...about myself. Everything about me. It's starting to get lonely here.
The things that keep me going are Mission Hollywood and my love of music.
What do you know? A little Doh sure can open eyes.
Cheers...I guess.
I've taken the trouble of adding a chatbox to see if internet traffic actually flows through this blog.
First off, I missed my target in econ. So far, it's supposed to be my strongest subject. 42/50 fell short of 45/50. That won't be good for my 99% scholarship score.
Then, I slaved through the night, till 3, to finish my account assignment by the deadline. Had it printed out and binded, then went to the loo at the start of accounts class. At the end of class, BOINK, I realized that my assignment was still in my file. I handed it up to Ms.Sydney, relieved. Ms.Sydney went berzerk. She marked it late and declared my marks 0. Zero. Nada. Zilch. That will definitely do wonders for the 99%.
Picked up the gerberas for Valentine's day tomorow.
Stayed up till 2 studying maths for the test the next day. Got a ride from Jonathan with the still alive gerberas sitting next to me. Ooh, realized that I was the only one who brought flowers on Valentine's day. Carmen threatened to tell the whole class unless I reveal the identity of the lucky girl (or guy). Sat for the wonderful maths exam. Messed up the test pretty badly. Left the last page blank. On the bright side, I gave Jia Sheen the flowers and wished a her happy Valentine's day.
On the dark side, things are a little more awkward now.
3 days of shooting in TV Pendidikan this week. Got home at 8, piss tired.
Come friday. Come 7 hours of sleep. Come maths results.
That's 33%.
That means my hopes for a 99% is crushed, snubbed, snipped off at the bud, roasted and the ashes scattered.
Next goal, 95%.
Until Ms.Doh told us all not to study for scholarships, but for wisdom and for the fun of it. Class appeared enlightened.
Now, I can go insane from trying to reach my scholarship target anyway, ignoring the hopeful Ms.Doh.
Or, I could study hard but ignore the pressure for a scholarship, and try to have fun on the way.
Had a little chat with 2 friends. Apparantly, I am a walking freak machine. I scare people with my intensity. Nice way to cap off the friday.
Alright, I guess I am gonna make decisions, about who I am and what matters.
No more thoughts bout scholarships, study hard.
"Tone down intensity" as Shanti and few more friends said in exact words.
Oh boy, Marvin's gonna poke fun at me being emo. This will be my first sulky post.
Forensics is crazy longshot now. 4 days to practice for 3 acting events. That's less than the 3 days I spent doing duet with surrej. It was. Bad.
Green tea gives me a little escape but fails to do the trick anymore.
On the bright side, I bought nice little lighters with LED lights, and I've finally found a song I've heard since I was 12 but never found out its name, "Heaven" by Bryan Adams.
It's hard to be optimistic now, my 99% dream is gone, my Forensics fantasy is flying off, and I feel like crap...about myself. Everything about me. It's starting to get lonely here.
The things that keep me going are Mission Hollywood and my love of music.
What do you know? A little Doh sure can open eyes.
Cheers...I guess.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The monday after CNY.
College. Beautiful and friendly classmates. Lead role in a small TV series. Songs flowing out.
3 hours of sleep to power through the day.
This is the college life.
Let me first put this in bytes before I pass out on my keyboard with a have eaten cup of 0% fat yogurt. This is the highlight of my day.
I was on my way to a film shoot after class today.
I got onboard the KTM.
I sat down next to a Punjabi woman.
Punjabi woman took my elbow room.
I was going through my lines.
I overheard Punjabi women who took my elbow room say on her handphone: "Cannot la, I have chickenpox."
I confirm with Punjabi woman who took my elbow room.
Punjabi woman tells me that she has chickenpox and that I should occupy vacant seat next to big Indian man.
I occupy seat next to big Indian man.
Big Indian man takes up more of my elbow room than Highly Contagious Punjabi Woman.
I sit here and wonder if Punjabi woman tricked me into giving her an extra seat and all the elbow room she can get.
During the shoot, I finally got to pose next to a guy in a full blue ninja suit. Isaac gets to suit up in Bluescreen technology. We took a little over 2 hours to get a single scene right. Looking at your own face on a TV screen live, as you do waves with your eyebrows, is priceless.
As usual, the studio at TV Pendidikan is frostbite cold. Plus I got to do my 'room' scene when "something comes out of the computer screen".
Shoes off.
Episode 2's script is out. Bickering and English correction is taken to new levels.
MARVIN sounds like Marvin. If you know what I mean.
On the way home, I explored and discovered a 20-year old florist unbelievably near my house. How long she has been operating her business, that is. Not her age. Guess what? Berlyn was right, gerberases DO look like miniature sunflowers.
According to spellcheck, gerberas is not a word.
On my way back on the bus, I discovered that A4 tech can't make earphones for earshit. My left earphone lasted 6.5 days.
Do NOT buy A4 tech earphones, go for philips, sony, creative. Yes, Aiman was right.
A4 tech earphones will not survive a week in your pocket.
During accounts class, which I now officially dread more than maths, Ms. Sydney Yong is back, bad, and in black. She is scary...
...really scary..., "turn on your bathroom lights past midnight to find her with wide open eyes and folded arms demanding your homework that's due tomorrow" scary.
She was teaching us how to classify salaries, when she made an example outta me. She asked how much I got paid a month. I had 3 hours of sleep the previous night and blurted out "500" because the TVP series popped into my head.
She then declared very loudly that 500 is "NO WAY LA!". She said my food allowance probably costs more than that, loudly, while slamming her hands on my table, once again loudly, bringing her face closer to mine by 2 feet, not loudly.
That moment reminded me of the time I encountered a wild panther or dog in Ulu Kancing. The thing was like 10 feet away but you can't see it. Ever swore or laughed during movies when 4 people in the jungle couldn't see something that was 10 feet away from them?
I no longer swear or laugh during those scenes.
You can see the bushes rustles.
You can hear its growl come from your 2 o'clock, only to hear it again at your 9 o'clock 5 seconds later.
You, however, can't see it.
Anyway, back to the Sydney Yong.
The tension was broken when she declared, loudly, that boys eat twice as much as girls and therefore it would be more economically beneficial.
Speaking of economics, Mrs. Soh has decided to spice up our day us by subtly hinting that we got really bad results while withholding our results till tomorrow. I realize that I may love Economics more than Legal Studies. For one thing, I actually understand how time period affects price elasticity.
It feels good to understand stuff.
But not nearly as good as... shower gel after a long, tough, sleep deprived day.
It's official! Mint does NOT cause sperm count to drop. I can now apply generous amounts of that magical blue stuff without guilt or fear.
I'm off to relax now. Ever noticed how incredible your bed, or in my case a nice thick mattress, feels after you know you lived your day to the max?
It feels like victory. It feels like the raising of a flag after a battle. It feels like the capping of a pen after an aced test. It feels like taking a bow to a standing ovation after a riveting act on stage.
It feels like the typing of "Cheers" after a long blog.
This is good stuff.
3 hours of sleep to power through the day.
This is the college life.
Let me first put this in bytes before I pass out on my keyboard with a have eaten cup of 0% fat yogurt. This is the highlight of my day.
I was on my way to a film shoot after class today.
I got onboard the KTM.
I sat down next to a Punjabi woman.
Punjabi woman took my elbow room.
I was going through my lines.
I overheard Punjabi women who took my elbow room say on her handphone: "Cannot la, I have chickenpox."
I confirm with Punjabi woman who took my elbow room.
Punjabi woman tells me that she has chickenpox and that I should occupy vacant seat next to big Indian man.
I occupy seat next to big Indian man.
Big Indian man takes up more of my elbow room than Highly Contagious Punjabi Woman.
I sit here and wonder if Punjabi woman tricked me into giving her an extra seat and all the elbow room she can get.
During the shoot, I finally got to pose next to a guy in a full blue ninja suit. Isaac gets to suit up in Bluescreen technology. We took a little over 2 hours to get a single scene right. Looking at your own face on a TV screen live, as you do waves with your eyebrows, is priceless.
As usual, the studio at TV Pendidikan is frostbite cold. Plus I got to do my 'room' scene when "something comes out of the computer screen".
Shoes off.
Episode 2's script is out. Bickering and English correction is taken to new levels.
MARVIN sounds like Marvin. If you know what I mean.
On the way home, I explored and discovered a 20-year old florist unbelievably near my house. How long she has been operating her business, that is. Not her age. Guess what? Berlyn was right, gerberases DO look like miniature sunflowers.
According to spellcheck, gerberas is not a word.
On my way back on the bus, I discovered that A4 tech can't make earphones for earshit. My left earphone lasted 6.5 days.
Do NOT buy A4 tech earphones, go for philips, sony, creative. Yes, Aiman was right.
A4 tech earphones will not survive a week in your pocket.
During accounts class, which I now officially dread more than maths, Ms. Sydney Yong is back, bad, and in black. She is scary...
...really scary..., "turn on your bathroom lights past midnight to find her with wide open eyes and folded arms demanding your homework that's due tomorrow" scary.
She was teaching us how to classify salaries, when she made an example outta me. She asked how much I got paid a month. I had 3 hours of sleep the previous night and blurted out "500" because the TVP series popped into my head.
She then declared very loudly that 500 is "NO WAY LA!". She said my food allowance probably costs more than that, loudly, while slamming her hands on my table, once again loudly, bringing her face closer to mine by 2 feet, not loudly.
That moment reminded me of the time I encountered a wild panther or dog in Ulu Kancing. The thing was like 10 feet away but you can't see it. Ever swore or laughed during movies when 4 people in the jungle couldn't see something that was 10 feet away from them?
I no longer swear or laugh during those scenes.
You can see the bushes rustles.
You can hear its growl come from your 2 o'clock, only to hear it again at your 9 o'clock 5 seconds later.
You, however, can't see it.
Anyway, back to the Sydney Yong.
The tension was broken when she declared, loudly, that boys eat twice as much as girls and therefore it would be more economically beneficial.
Speaking of economics, Mrs. Soh has decided to spice up our day us by subtly hinting that we got really bad results while withholding our results till tomorrow. I realize that I may love Economics more than Legal Studies. For one thing, I actually understand how time period affects price elasticity.
It feels good to understand stuff.
But not nearly as good as... shower gel after a long, tough, sleep deprived day.
It's official! Mint does NOT cause sperm count to drop. I can now apply generous amounts of that magical blue stuff without guilt or fear.
I'm off to relax now. Ever noticed how incredible your bed, or in my case a nice thick mattress, feels after you know you lived your day to the max?
It feels like victory. It feels like the raising of a flag after a battle. It feels like the capping of a pen after an aced test. It feels like taking a bow to a standing ovation after a riveting act on stage.
It feels like the typing of "Cheers" after a long blog.
This is good stuff.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Sperm count research on Chinese New Year.
No. It's about human sperm count. Not rats.
It started out as I suddenly remembered, as I was innocently chatting with Berlyn on msn, to find out whether mint, ingested or applied externally, affects sperm count.
Lol. Rat balls. XD
Kinda like fish balls or meat balls, hmm?
In the year 2006, my dear Biology teacher Pn.Dalilah, who was stolen from VI by some other government school, told me to stop popping mints in her class. Obviously, I thought that she did not want student eating while she was teaching, but of course, Pn.Dalilah was simply concerned for my well as the wellbeing of my future wife and children.
(Off to redistribute the wealth among family members in the spirit of the year of the Rat)
(Ran back up to open a few ang pows. Down by 30 bucks)
(Lost 45 in two rounds by becoming dealer with Hans)
(Back, made a solid 70 bucks in polish, or 'in between')
Alright, recovered from the butchering in Ngau and Black Jack. Unfortunately, I am too tired after spamming My Heroes Ability on Facebook. So I am going to leave this as it is for now.
Thanks for reminding me during the climax of my wealth redistribution session that I have an accounts assignment to take care off, Carmen. ;P
It started out as I suddenly remembered, as I was innocently chatting with Berlyn on msn, to find out whether mint, ingested or applied externally, affects sperm count.
Lol. Rat balls. XD
Kinda like fish balls or meat balls, hmm?
In the year 2006, my dear Biology teacher Pn.Dalilah, who was stolen from VI by some other government school, told me to stop popping mints in her class. Obviously, I thought that she did not want student eating while she was teaching, but of course, Pn.Dalilah was simply concerned for my well as the wellbeing of my future wife and children.
(Off to redistribute the wealth among family members in the spirit of the year of the Rat)
(Ran back up to open a few ang pows. Down by 30 bucks)
(Lost 45 in two rounds by becoming dealer with Hans)
(Back, made a solid 70 bucks in polish, or 'in between')
Alright, recovered from the butchering in Ngau and Black Jack. Unfortunately, I am too tired after spamming My Heroes Ability on Facebook. So I am going to leave this as it is for now.
Thanks for reminding me during the climax of my wealth redistribution session that I have an accounts assignment to take care off, Carmen. ;P
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