In other news...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Post 100.

This is the 100th post on TheNightWasDarkAndStuff.

Knowing Gustave, he has probably planned something awesomely, unbelievably, fuck-tacularly, mind-blowingly, holy-crap-I-wet-my-pants-ly, epic.

Gustave tends to do that everytime his hit counter hits another 1000.

Ladies and gentlemen, your support has compelled and fed Gustave's ego spirit and World Domination Army long enough for him to reach his 100th blog post.

Break out the old newspapers, your mind is about to be blown, because...

Gustave proudly, sincerely, epically presents:


...because we all know what that means.


Hans...has turned 16. still being a Marvin.

Kim...makes nice sandwiches. t3h PfwnZ0rZ!!1 awesome. nice peoples. nice doggies.

Tasha...taught me how to spell "epically".

Aiman...has forgotten about the internet.

Lindley...must sing.

Gustave...needs more sleep.

Rock fucking on,
Rock fucking hard.


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