In other news...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GTA: Green Tea Addiction

01-09-2008, 9:37 :

Couldn't find any sachet of Green Tea in the kitchen. Must have ran out.

Ah well.

Day One.

02-09-2008, 23:56 :

The rumours are true.

It's been two days since I last had Green Tea.

Day Two.

Days grow shorter and nights grow longer.

That sounds like a verse from The Acoustic Song.

I'm beginning to notice how green everything around me is.

Must resist temptation to rip open emergency supply of Green Tea sachets.

Only if the headaches and nausea become unbearable.

My TF2 sniping skills have deteriorated sharply. I missed a heavy 3 times today.

Did I just hear my notebook speak?

Nah. Must be my imagination. green it is.


Must NOT boil notebook.

Must finish economics presentation.

GDP, HDI, mortality rates, literacy rates...



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