In other news...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

George Carlin is Dead.

One of the Greatest Comedians in the history of Mankind has just died on the 23rd June 2008.

I say died because George Carlin would have said "Fuck being politically correct."

One of his best performances was "The 7 words you cannot say on TV."

He has inspired me with his hard, cold, satirical view of life.

A known atheist, pushing the envelope and battling against censorship, George Carlin has paved the way for comedians and mankind.

And me.

I feel that I cannot do justice to this legend with a simple blog entry.

To those who don't know who George Carlin was, go to Youtube and look him up.

George Carlin, you are a blacklight in this dark world we live in.

The world is probably 10 times suckier than it was before you died.

Take it easy on God!


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